Thursday, May 17, 2012

Copying brazil

Not sure if the photo is too clear but it looks like a copy of the 'Christ the redeemer' statue in brazil.

Mutant fish egg fruit

Continuing the theme of new food concepts, check this fruit out. Can't remember what it is called, but it looks like fish eggs or something. Like a pomegranate it has seeds in the fruit segments. But unlike a pomegranate the segments are slimy. Didn't enjoy the crunchy seeds...

Try the fish.

Well I am still in Peru. I wanted to try something different and traditional in Peru. A fish dish was recommended. It was described as white fish (like cod) cooked in a spicy lime sauce served with potato. Sounded like fish and chips! Yummy!

The picture shows what I got served. It was basically a big pile of raw fish segments with a small bit of white on the surface (that was the cooked part). The sweet potato was nice. The corn was not too tasty. The lime sauce exploded on the tongue.
I am not a big fan of raw fish but managed to eat half of it. Never again...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Earth station

This is a big old style dish. Notice the side cabin. This was to house a team of cryogenic engineers trying to keep the LNB as cool as possible with liquid nitrogen. It has been put out of commission now, but stands as a monument of a bygone age of sat coms...

Eating in peru

This is what I am currently eating. Steak and chips! It sure is nice...


Well I am sitting in a restaurant in Lima Peru of all places. Earlier today I was served soup and found a surprise...

It was actually quite a tasty soup. I lost my appetite after a while though...