Thursday, May 9, 2013

Shoot my Canon

I have been waiting for the Canon 70D camera to be released, but the rumors are now saying it could be next year. In the mean time I want to take decent pictures with a Digital SLR. 

So - I went to the canon website and noticed that they had deals on refurbished items. 
I got a sweet deal on a T31 Rebel with an 18mm to 55mm lens. 

So I am back taking photos again!

I also got hold of a trial version of Lightroom 4.4  (5 is coming soon...). 

I like coffee, so I thought I would experiment with some different effects...

 Here is a more 'French' vintage feel:

Put this phrase in Google translator and see what you get...

Garden 2013

It's almost half way through 2013 and I have not posted a blog entry, so I thought I would start with my garden. 

Here you can see that the Kiwi Plants are really taking off this year. These little buds are likely to be flowers. Either that or Kiwis but I bet they will be flowers first, then Kiwis. 
These plants should be self pollinating. Probably still need bees though. Maybe I can pollinate the plants using a hairy brush?

 Peas. Getting tall! I planted these back in February. Should be getting some peas soon!
Those other plants are bush beans. I am not really going to plant much this year since I will be traveling a lot and cannot look after things well. 

 Strawberries. Lots of them. They have taken over one of the square foot gardens now. I can only hope they produce well this year. 

Tomatos. Growing 4x better boy plants this year. Compost is down, so I hope to see these grow well.