This was a work trip.
I landed at Milwaukee airport on Thursday, worked with the customer for the day and planned to go to the end customer's site in the morning.
I was dropped off at the Grand Geneva Hotel. It was a really nice hotel. Even better if you have loads of cash to pay for all the extra activities... (it was a resort actually...)
I was in the bath room and trying to figure out why I had a remote control in there. Well I pushed the red button and found a TV in the mirror!!
Came in handy when getting ready in the morning - watching the news and so on.
Also: I did not miss a thing while watching mythbusters...
The site in Michigan was about 8 hours drive away, so thankfully they hired a pilot to take us...
The pilot is loading up our stuff in the nose.
The flight only took around an hour - so much better than 8 hours drive!
This is the landing strip coming up...
Landing in MI
Now on the road - we went passed a U-HAUL supporting Ron!
While here apparently Wisconsin had a huge Ron Paul rally!
(which was blacked out by the media as usual).
It was snowing where we were. Quite different to the Atlanta summer weather I came from...
After the mission was accomplished I took a look at some mine equipment.
This is a scoop. Who knows what sort of crazy machine this hooks to...
Here are some mining trucks.
This brings me to Clintonville, WI - which has also been in the news recently. Now from my short time in this area I could see that mining was quite popular.
I can only imagine that what is going in in Clintonville is some sort of secret mining operation.
Seems a bit stupid to do a secret mine operation under a town though. Not much of a secret after it has been all over the news...
Check this out - it is a sound recording of one of the 'mysterious booms' :
Link to mysterious boom
Sounds like an explosion to me. Like from a quarry (if you have ever heard and felt that).
Well that is the end of the report for now. I am back in Milwaukee and hoping to get some fish and chips in a few moments... :-)