Saturday, January 29, 2011


I was watching 'World Without Cancer' by G. Edward Griffin this morning. It made me think. 


It amazes me that I meet people with cancer but they do not take this seriously. I mean if I had cancer I would try anything rather than submit myself to being radiated to death - at my financial expense! Not to mention the expense to my health. 
It is reported by many that Chemotherapy spreads cancer rather than helps it!!

Chemo Does Not Cure: Often It Inflicts Damage and Spreads Cancer

Why is it that people work hard all their lives, save into their pensions, then get cancer and spend everything they have on treatment which often ends up killing them earlier than the cancer would?

What would God think of someone who has disregarded nutritional knowledge all their lives, rejected natural cures and ate and drunk stuff that is detrimental to their health - then they get cancer from this?
Is it not their fault?

There is law called 'you reap what you sow' and many of us are sowing junk food GMO trash (with aspartame) and tap water infused with toxic materials into our systems, knowingly or unknowingly, and we then reap heart attacks, cancer, diabetes and thyroid issues and accept that this is just getting old or a part of life - or part of the curse of Adam. The truth is - if we ate all natural foods we would probably avoid many health issues. 

The problem is that this takes diligence and discipline. There is a lot to learn and take in. Some of the organic fruit and veg costs a lot more. Organic meat costs far more. Checking ingredients on boxes and bottles take effort. Avoiding GMOs in restaurants gets even more tricky. And then there is getting the correct water filter...
We are going to die one day right? So we may as well enjoy ourselves and not worry about the poisons we are taking in our bodies right? Well when we are sick and dying of a painful disease, does not that all change?

Since being in America it is odd to me that so many people have cancer. One medium sized church we went to had 35 people on the prayer list with some type of cancer!  Nearly every church I have been too have cancer issues. Hardly anyone talked about cancer in the UK - though at our church we did have a few cases that were prayed for and were cured in one way or another. 

Since being in the US I have worked with a company and they had an employee called Larry. He was undergoing cancer radiation. He looked like a zombie - especially after each treatment. It took two years for the radiation to kill him.
It is difficult for me to watch people go though this and use all their life savings and get money from fund raisers - all to be radiated to death. Especially when there are methods out there that can actually cure cancer!

I personally never donate money to cancer charities (e.g. pink ribbon) because I believe cancer can be cured and the medical industry are making more money out of treating cancer than curing cancer.

I guess medical treatment is personal choice - but are people aware that there is an alternative to being radiated to death?

If you are interested in cures then check these links out:

Cancer experts speak out about natural cures in live, uncensored webcast event, Saturday, February 5

Also there is a Christian based hospital working out of Mexico that uses the laeatrile method to cure cancer:

Good video on front page. 

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